Customer stories
How Oru Kayak uses Moast to build an engaged community of customers

Learn how Oru Kayak is using Moast to increase trust with their shoppers by building a community of 170+ passionate customers.

As seen on Forbes, Shark Tank, and the Wall Street Journal, Oru Kayak offers adventure-seekers kayaks that are built from origami technology.

Oru Kayak takes water-based exploration to the next level by allowing kayakers to access even the most remote and breathtaking paddling locations.
Sporting good
Emeryville, California
Oru Kayak sells high-involvement products, requiring extensive customer research and variable consideration before they purchase the desired product. Oru Kayak realized that customers needed a way to interact with the kayak and ask questions before making a purchase decision.
The goal
Through Moast's innovative platform, Oru Kayak wanted to build the Oru Explorer Program and allow a community of passionate kayakers to share their kayaking experiences with potential customers.

Shoppers who are interested in buying an Oru kayak can ask these passionate kayakers questions about their kayak and can even arrange to meet them in person to check out the kayaks.
"Moast is an integral piece of our conversion funnel. The ability to not only strengthen post-sale relationships with customers and build community but also provide a more personalized experience for our shoppers is a game changer."
Mayra Torres
Customer experience @ Oru Kayak
Introducing the Oru Explorer Program
Moast’s first actionable task was to introduce Oru’s existing customers to the Oru Explorer program through email campaigns that highlighted the program and its benefits.

In doing so, customers created their account and built their Oru Explorer profile. From there, they could add photos, comments, and stories to their profiles.
What Made Kayakers Want to Join The Program?
Oru Explorers gained access to an exclusive community of like-minded adventurers that could have a voice and feel connected to the Oru brand. They felt empowered to share their experiences with Oru products and act as engaged community members who can help other kayakers learn more about the brand and its products.
Active members
The growing number of Oru customers joining the Explorer Program shows their desire to be part of a community of like-minded people.
Integrating Moast
After the Hosts were successfully added to the program, it was time to build a captivating landing page to capture the attention of new potential customers.

Through this landing page, Moast provides Oru’s interested and existing customers with a new shopping experience, empowering like-minded people to build relationships and connect with others through their passion for kayaking.

A central theme was to connect shoppers with customers for a local experience, with many shoppers and customers choosing to meet up on lakes, rivers, or other spots within their community.

Through this community, interested shoppers could ask questions about Oru’s products– building authority for both Oru’s Brand and the Oru Explorer Program.
The results
In the end, the Oru Explorer Program nailed building brand loyalty through human connection. They understood that people buy from people they trust, and that's exactly what they delivered. 

This personalised shopping experience was a game-changer. Shoppers got their unique questions answered, and these passionate Oru enthusiasts got to share their firsthand experience, helping them turn into Oru Kayak customers.
"Natasha is fantastic! She answered so many of my questions by email. Quick responses and easy to communicate. She met with my husband and I to do a set up demo with two of her Oru kayaks to show us the differences between the Inlet and Ocean. Can’t wait to try one of our own! Highly recommended Natasha if you have any interest in Oru."
Oru Kayak shopper after connecting with a customer.
Connections between shopper and customer
Oru's average connections per week show that shoppers are gravitating towards this new way of shopping.
Avg. connections per week
Shoppers are consistently seeking out social proof by connecting with customers during their shopping journey.
Avg. map impressions per week
Shoppers are regularly viewing the Moast map, indicating strong interest in connecting with existing customers.
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